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“The best way to find yourself is to be yourself in the services of others”
– Mahatma Gandhi
Day Habilitation Without Walls
Day Habilitation Without Walls
This service assists Individuals to acquire, retain or improve their self-help, socialization and adaptive skills while utilizing the community and its resources. This includes enhancing communication, travel skills and other areas of independent living skills. Services are provided in the community.

Day Habilitation Without Walls Vs. Regular Day Habilitation Programs
Day Habilitation without Walls provides services in the community and is not based in a facility or “within walls”. The Individuals will generally meet in the community. A regular Day Habilitation program often provides services that are site based or in a facility and have times when a group will utilize the community.
Program Requirements:
The Individual must be “Waiver Eligible” and have Medicaid. The individual must have a diagnosis of intellectual and /or developmental disability. We service individuals from the ages of 21 years old and up. There are a number of documents that we are required to review as part of the referral process, to include medical, psychological and psychosocial evaluations. All documents must be current and accurate. Please contact the Director of Community Services, for additional information regarding documentation needed to make a referral for service.
Travel Train
If an Individual is able to travel independently and needs assistance with traveling, we can provide assistance. Please contact the Program Coordinator or Supervisor for specific information and circumstances regarding.
Day Activities
The places that the Individuals go to are based on their similar interests. Places include but are not limited to: volunteer sites, local libraries, restaurants, museums, sporting events, farms and orchards, parks, bowling alleys, malls, etc.
Interested In This Service? Please Contact Director of Community Services.
For information regarding Day Habilitation Services, please contact Mavis Maholmes the Director of Community Services at:
Telephone: 917-688-1838 or
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