Children Waiver Services
“The best way to find yourself is to be yourself in the services of others”
– Mahatma Gandhi
Children Waiver Services Division
Upon the establishment of the Children and Family Treatment and Support Services Transformation and modifications to HCBS, we were given clearance to render specific services that would address the needs of those eligible within the following service areas.
Service Provisions Approved for REAL Inc.
Caregiver Family Support and Services
Prevocational Services
Planned Respite
Supportive Employment
Community Habilitation
Community Self Advocacy Training and Support
Description of Services:
Caregiver Family Support and Services
Caregivers and families can get training and education to make informed and empowered choices for children with developmental, medical, mental health, and/or substance use needs
Maintain and strengthen children and youth’s independence in the community
Find available resources and services that meet child/youth and family needs
Respite Services (Planned Respite)
May be delivered at home, in the community, or in another allowable location
Planned respite services provide short term relief for families/caregivers and support the child’s mental health, substance use and/or health care goals
Crisis respite is short term relief from a mental health, substance use and/or health care crisis event that without this support
Supported Employment
Youth aged 14 and older who are ready for a job can get help to stay in a steady job that pays wages
Get ongoing support while getting a job and while working Services can include, but are not limited to:
Help with finding a job that matches your skills and interests; job coaching; benefits support; help with advancing your career; and other workplace support
Community Self Advocacy Training Support
Children, youth, and their families can get help to understand developmental, medical, mental health, and/or substance use needs
Get help with, or prevent, any difficulties when taking part in community activities
Children and youth, or caregivers and other advocates, can get their own self-advocacy training services
Prevocational Services
Youth aged 14 and older can learn skills to help get ready for paid work, or volunteer work that matches their interests
Skills can include: communicating with supervisors, coworkers, and customers; workplace problem solving; career planning; and workplace safety
Community Habilitation
Get help with learning social and daily living skills and health related tasks
For example: Learn to cook and eat healthy; take part in community activities; communicate effectively; be independent, and make informed choices
Goals of Child Waiver Services (HCBS)
HCBS are designed to offer support and services to children in non-institutionalized settings that enable them to remain at home and in the community. HCBS provides a family-driven, youth guided, culturally and linguistically appropriate system of care that accounts for the strengths, preferences, and needs of the individual, as well as the desired outcome. Services are individualized to meet the health, developmental, and behavioral health needs of each child or youth. Participants have independent choice among an array of service options and providers. These services are provided in a flexible, complimentary package that evolves over time to meet the changing needs of the child or youth. HCBS are intended to be provided to a child and family in their home and/or the community. The array of services is intended to assist children in being successful at home, in school, and in their other natural environments to help maintain them in their community and avoid higher levels of care and out-of-home placements. It is the mission of NYS and its child and family serving agencies to improve health and behavioral health care access and outcomes for individuals served while demonstrating sound stewardship of financial resources.
Servicing Areas Included:
Elmont & Valley Stream (Long Island)
Brooklyn (NY)
Queens (NY
Bronxs (NY)